Odysseia Lilium Bronwyn

Wrathful Lily
dark & pure

And when you call I'll be your shield for life . . .

ORIGIN - Unknown"I wish I knew... In any case it isn't your business."

AGE - 60 years"I've seen countless sunrises and sunsets."

RACE - Draconic Nephilim"What is the relevancy of this question? Does race matter to you?"

CLASS - Adventurer / Knight / Valkyrie"A humble servant to the constants and divine.
I am sun kissed by Aeledfyr; by his warmth and his light.
I am a follower of Alacritas and Pylae who teach us all faith in hope and life.
But with deep respect to Mortyl, Amier, and Memoria of death, space, and time."


Fair, dove soft skin,
reflecting the light of the sun.

Toned, average height, endowed,
small waist, and wide hips.

Seemingly weightless gentle waves,
mid-back length, and lilac in color.

Slightly upturned almonds.
Brilliant sanguine irises seem to almost glow.

Placid stares with less blinking or hard gazes.
Smiling is rare; soft and faint.

A partial alto that speaks in a low, calm, clear tone,
but can carry it with a boom when necessary.

A mysteriously natural and subtle floral scent of an unknown blossom.


ALIGNMENT - Lawfully GoodKnown as the "Saintly" or "Crusader" alignment.
A Lawful Good character typically acts with compassion,
and always with honor and a sense of duty.
Lawful Good characters, especially paladins,
may sometimes find themselves faced with the dilemma
of whether to obey law or good when the two conflict.

INTJ-T; The Analyst
Serious, non-social, ethical, thinker, workhorse.

Rigid or relaxed, but always confident posture;
Yet distant and unapproachable.

The sun, spirituality, nature, order, quiet moments, kept fires,
horseback riding, comradery, hot meals, and hot springs.

Devils, demons, chaos, cults, criminals, idiocy, bullies,
rashness, social gatherings or interpersonal interactions.

Flowers, chivalry, dresses, waltzes...
The idea of being in love.
However, on a particularly intense battlefield,
she is also susceptible to blood lust.

Eradicate evil, defend the weak, carry the fallen,
seek an artificer to unlock the power of her mother's sword,
face her personal demons, and seek sanctuary for spiritual cleansing.

Blood of the Nephilim

There is a better part of Odysseia that embodies all things for warmth,
love, compassion, and redemption. These philanthropic values are timeless
and true where her duties to serve and protect are derived.


Iofiel Ashbel
"Beautiful angel of the Old Fire"

Iofiel was born from a line of Nephilim from Movanic Deva angels that wielded swords of fire. She is why Odysseia inherits her physique, benevolent aura, and resilience. In her unprecedented passing upon giving birth to Odysseia, Iofiel's sword known as Eledora was left to a church that bequeathed it to Odysseia when she came of age. However, it ould be up to Odysseia to find out how to unlock its true potential, and only time will tell if this half of her bloodline is enough to ward against the tarnish born on her soul.

Blood of the Red Dragon turned Black

There is a graze-like scratching inside Odysseia's skull;
it whispers awful things of darkness and corruption.
She suffers from a sort of tainted hunger below the surface.
It wells within her like twins struggling
to outgrow each other for birthright within a womb.


Zorn Colenso
"Wrath from the Dark Pool"

Zorn was born of a line of red Drakanites but he fell far from grace when he worshipped Felfyraxes, followed an occult and practiced shadow magic. He cursed Iofiel's womb when he captured and forced himself on Iofiel. Thus, a seed of evil was planted within Odysseia. Although it is of this red Drakanite lineage where she draws physical prowess, hardiness, and the breath of fire, she must focus against this taint in her ancestry that wants her to lack capacity for empathy and threatens a sound mind, leaving her vulnerable to corruption of the heart.

Dualing bloodlines are running
through the corridors of my veins...

A valkyrie victim of shunning
to a curse conceived insane...

While my heart is still drumming,
could I reclaim my name...?


I don't know if anyone believes in angels anymore,
but what is faith if you do not believe in that which you cannot see?

Is it enough if at least I believe?
